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Limited Batch Ginkgo Tea is here!

Cornish Ginkgo is Back! The verdant leaves of our Ginkgo trees are ready for harvest. Get ready for our next batch of tasty limited-edition Ginkgo tea! Here’s how to make your own Ginkgo tea. You can do this by drying fresh leaves from the Ginkgo biloba tree.

Firstly, make sure you are picking the correct species!

The Ginkgo tree is truly unique and stands out among others. Here's how to identify it:

Picked Ginkgo biloba leaves showing species
Identifying the Ginkgo biloba leaf

The Leaves:

  • Shape: The most distinctive feature is the fan-shaped leaf, often with a deep notch or two lobes. This is why it's sometimes called the maidenhair tree, resembling the maidenhair fern.

  • Veins: The veins radiate out from the stem in a parallel pattern, unlike the branching veins of most trees.

  • Colour: In spring and summer, the leaves are a bright green. In autumn, they put on a stunning display, turning a brilliant yellow before dropping.

How to make Ginkgo Tea from fresh leaves:

  1. Picking and Preparing the Leaves

Harvest Time: Choose green, healthy leaves in late summer. Avoid using fallen leaves or those with blemishes. They should feel waxy and reasonably stiff to touch.

Picking Ginkgo biloba leaves for Tea
Picking Ginkgo biloba leaves for Tea

Washing: Rinse the leaves gently to remove dirt and debris.

How many leaves do you need?: 30 leaves will make around 10 cups of Ginkgo tea (loose leaf, dried)

go biloba leaves to make 10 servings of Tea
A handful of picked Ginkgo biloba leaves to make 10 cups of Tea

2. Dehydrating Methods

  • Drying with a dehydrator is our favourite method. This is a  faster and more controlled than air-drying naturally. You can pick up a cheap, compact dehydrator from Amazon for as little as £30.

  • Spread the leaves in a single layer on your dehydrator mesh 

Ginkgo leaves spread on your dehydrator mesh
Ginkgo leaves spread on your dehydrator mesh

Three tiers of Ginkgo laid on a dehydrator mesh
Three tiers of Ginkgo laid on a dehydrator mesh

  • Follow your dehydrator's instructions for temperature and drying time. As rule we dehydrate the leaves for 4-6 hours at low temperature of 40 degrees. If the leaves are thick, or the dehydrator is full allow extra time for drying. For best results do not over crowd a dehydrator.

a Ginkgo leaf for tea drying
Midway through drying Ginkgo leaf for tea

Above: A Ginkgo leaf being dried for medicinal tea. When partially dried you can see still bright green spots.

  • Results: Dried Ginkgo is way-less attractive than fresh Ginkgo. Dried Ginkgo leaves have a paper-like texture with a brown colouring, instead of green. When 100% dry the leaves should be brittle. Test for dryness by attempting to snap a leaf stem. If it snaps crisply, the leaves are dry.

Fully dried Ginkgo Leaf for tea
Fully dried Ginkgo Leaf for tea

  • Loose Leaf Gingko: Take your dried Ginkgo leaves and crush them, or finely chop. Use a blender to create a loose leaf mixture with a suitable grade for an infuser teapot. A one-cup infuser is great option when one-the-go...

    ginkgo tea infuser for loose leaf
    Cute ginkgo inspired infuser for loose leaf

If you’re going to use an infuser, you need to get one with a Ginkgo design.

You can also add whole Ginkgo leaves to your cup, but a fine loose leaf mixture will give you better quantity control. You can also add the loose leaf to 'self-fill' tea bags. Ideal for when at work, or traveling somewhere. Failing that, try our own Ginkgo blend already prepared in tea bags.

Chopped Ginkgo leaf, prepared for Loose Leaf Tea

Storing your dried Leaves:

  • Once completely dry, store the leaves or prepared loose leaf in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. 

  • Properly stored leaves can last for up to a year.

TIP: Moisture is the enemy of anything dried, so keep in all stored dried goods in a moisture free environment.

Making Ginkgo Tea:

  • Use 1 teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of hot (not boiling) water.

  • Add your dried Ginkgo leaves to an infuser or strainer

  • Pour over water (best to use water that's cooled for a short while after boiling)

  • Steep for 5-7 minutes.

  • Enjoy

If you don't have your own Ginkgo tree, that's okay. Maybe you live in a city or a wet area. You can still enjoy our tasty limited edition Ginkgo Tea. Buy it here!

How does Ginkgo Taste? Ginkgo tea taste slightly sweet, slightly floral, light and very refreshing. Add honey or lemon for taste, if desired. Try using Ginkgo as your primary herb and adding a secondary herb for additional flavour and health benefits. Add other ingredients for more flavor and variety. You can use dried fruits like apples, berries, and oranges. You can also add spices such as cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric. Fresh mints like peppermint and spearmint are great options too. With Ginkgo our favourite complimentary herbs, nettles are mint and lemon balm.

If you don't want to make your own, you can try our exclusive Ginkgo Tea blends, all handmade in Cornwall.

What are the health benefits of Ginkgo?

Ginkgo leaves have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for their potential health benefits. They are super easy to consume in tea, dried or fresh. Here's a breakdown of why they might be good for you:

  • Brain Function: Ginkgo may help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety. A study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, found that people with generalised anxiety disorder who took ginkgo experienced better anxiety relief than those who took a placebo

  • Antioxidants: Ginkgo leaves are rich in flavonoids and terpenoids, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, harmful molecules that can damage cells and contribute to various health problems.

  • Improved Circulation: Studies suggest that ginkgo may improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing blood clotting. This could potentially benefit conditions like heart disease and intermittent claudication (poor leg circulation).

  • Anxiety: Ginkgo may help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety. A study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, found that people with generalised anxiety disorder who took ginkgo experienced better anxiety relief than those who took a placebo.

Important Considerations:

  • Ginkgo leaves can interact with certain medications and may cause side effects like headaches, stomachache. Some people may experience allergic or sensitivity reactions. Stop taking Ginkgo biloba if you experience any side-effects, and see your GP or a professional medical herbalist.


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