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Beat the Heat: Best Herbal Iced Tea Recipes. Brewing your own Herbal Iced Tea

As the sun blazes (probably) and temperatures soar (sometimes), there's nothing quite as refreshing as a glass of cold brew. Or as the yanks would say, Iced Tea. But who wants store-bought, if you can actually buy it in the UK? Craft your own perfect brew, the options are limitless.

The Kilner 3 Litre Storage Jar with Dispensing Tap, perfect for serving & infusing teas
The Kilner 3 Litre Storage Jar with Dispensing Tap, perfect for serving & infusing teas

You don’t need any fancy pants homewares to brew the best iced tea you’ve ever had. You only need items you likely already own, including:

  • A large jar or pitcher

  • Tea infuser

  • Your favourite loose-leaf Tea (we recommend Afternoon Tea - UPLIFT, or Wild Red Berry)

  • A kettle for boiling water

  • Ice Ice baby

  • Something to serve it in

  • Something fancy to go in it, like fruit or sliced lemon

How to Make Iced Tea

We think it's better to make it the Tea hot, as you would normally, then allow it to cool for a better deeper flavour.

  1. Boil two cups of water in a kettle

  2. Place four tablespoons of loose-leaf tea in an infuser

  3. Steep tea for 3-5 minutes

  4. Remove the infuser

  5. Let the tea cool for approximately five minutes

  6. Add two cups of cold water (chill it fast: this halts steeping and prevents bitterness)

  7. Refrigerate for at least two hours

  8. Add ice, crushed or whole.

  9. Serving it in a Kilner Storage Jar with Dispensing Tap, perfect for serving and infusing various types of Teas

  10. Add some delicious summer berries and fruits, elderflower, herbs like mint or lemon balm, fennel fronds depending on how you like it. Sweeten with sugar, honey, or agave nectar.

If it’s too strong for your liking, add more cold water. For summer, consider a citrusy and floral blend, such as Nettle & Lemon Balm.

Summer Iced Tea flowers
Ahhh. summer


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